Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sub-Saharan Africa Politics and Government

 By Juan Jimenez
The people of Sub-Saharan Africa have suffered through a plethora of different issues where it is through civil war, poor living conditions, poor infrastructure, and disease. These are all issues that can be attributed toward the leaders of their respective countries in this region. These weak leaders were put in power from the age of decolonization where the ancestors of the countries that make up today’s modern day U.N have carelessly appointed leaders during the time of the decolonization.  The region has suffered from decisive leadership. Rival tribes and militias, civil war being a constant factor within this region since even before the 21st century. Diseases such as AIDS being a death sentence in this region, where as people in developed countries can live full lives with these issues.  Debts racking up to be sky-high world record breaking numbers, in these countries, and what has the government done? Little to nothing, this money that the government is receiving from other countries is going no-where except for the pockets of the government employees in self-evaluated raises, and this shows that the government cares more about maintaining power and their self-satisfaction then the wellbeing of their own people. This region is in a desperate cry for help, and with NGO’s doing all they can, this is unfortunately not enough. The issue does not recede with only one conflict, but with many conflicts. There is hope within this region with countries such as Nigeria having a 90% literacy rate, these people have the potential to live well lives and it is the duty of the U.N to help these people.

Economy in South Asia

by Brian dela Fuente

In the world that we live in today there are so many possible business opportunities that are literally just waiting to happen. However they can be unethical at times and it becomes nothing more than modern slavery with some of the wages these people are paid.In Bangladesh they 38 dollars a month and we know that even teens can make double that in a day in America. I had viewed a documentary called the “Hidden Face of Globalization”. I had seen women in their teens working 20-hour shifts, subjected to verbal and physical abuse by their employers and forced to work, as they are the only source of income for their family. However the UN with the ILO has become involved in how these places are ran with things such as skill development, and training. The Alliance of Bangladesh Worker Safety has been working with 26 companies like Wal-Mart. Although outsourcing may not be the most ethical thing in the world it helps each country economically. India has doubled their GDP (Gross Domestic Product), which shows progress for their future jumping from 600 billion in 2006 to 1870 billion in 2014. I just hope that one day each person make an honest living life most Americans do each day and I believe that one day it will become a reality as long as we have organization like the ILO on our side.

The Enviorment of East Asia

In East Asia, the environment is dreadful some may even consider it frightening. Climate change has been a growing concern. These concerns include air pollution, water pollution, desertification and erosion. With the growing economy and industries it seems as if the environment is becoming more and more damaged.
Access to clean air is more than essential for a human being health. Smog is air pollution that reduces visibility. This mixture of smoke and fog is caused by the burning of coal. In China, about 75% of its energy is dependent on coal. South Korea and Japan’s environmental issues are mainly caused by China’s rapid economic growth. Japan’s Water Pollution Control law and Basic Pollution Control Law were aimed to control water and air pollution. Korean government started to take an initiative to fix the environmental issues. North Korea invited Americans to Pyongyang to talk about the restoration of food. Thousands of Koreans had to eat grass and tree bark to survive. Air pollution in North Korea is moderated because of its reliance on electricity rather than fossil fuels.
The Clinton Foundation are conserving and re-growing trees, investing in large scale solar program and installing technologies that help reduce carbon emission. Japan announces the concept “Cool Earth” and sets a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by the year 2050. China has installed hydro, wind and solar power plus the forest stocks have increased 2 billion cubic meters. According to a World Bank report, China has contributed 58% of all the energy saved globally.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Women in South Asia 

By: Trisha Samaroo

    To some people of the world, women are the second class citizens whose job it is to be a housewife though they have the potential to be leaders. In South Asia, women are expected to be home to take care of their husband and children. They live in a violent household resulting in mental illness and suicide. 15,000 women suffer each year from dowry-related violence. Out of the 412.4 million illiterate adults who live in South Asia, 63.6% of them are women. Their employment rate is low and those who work face harsh conditions and earn cents daily. The Indian Space Research Organization had their first successful Mars mission thanks to women but they aren’t celebrated in science. The everyday woman or the successful/famous ones are discriminated against and are reduced to the way the dress and how much skin they show. If they are assaulted or raped, the blame is placed on them instead of the violent actions of the men. Politicians called a gang-rape of a young woman by six men a “small rape”. This generated protests and change of their rape laws. The UN and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women have taken measures to provide women with safety and chances. The Active Help Organization and the AIHRPC organized forums to help educate women. Women in South Asia and the rest of the world need to be helped and Emma Watson spoke at the UN calling for all the boys and men to bring change.

Sold Into Sex Slavery

By Leah Ally

Human trafficking is a global issue that is often overlooked by many. Women and children are often targeted because they are the most vulnerable sources of society. Luckily in Europe, specifically Hungary, there are many hotlines to support mentally and physically abused women and children. The NANE’s Women’s Right Association is the only NGO running a hotline for assaulted women and children. NANE teamed up with vodaphone, which will allow 20 devices to send an alarm and target woman in their exact location of danger, now women can expect police in their exact location of danger. Top Cop Security and iData engineering have helped to sponsor them. UN.Gift, which was introduced in March 2007, think that human trafficking is a crime and cannot be dealt with by the government alone. UN.Gift’s mission is to eliminate human trafficking by reducing the vulnerability in victims by providing them with support. 161 countries are reported effected by human trafficking and commission has promised to pass new rules for tougher fighting against this issue.

Monday, October 27, 2014

The European Economy

By: Amanda Cancel

Displaying Scotland_3.jpg 
Europe was faced with a specific economic issue. On September 18th, 2014 a referendum on Scottish independence was called upon. The secession from the United Kingdom was unsuccessful because of the effect it would have on the economy of Europe.
Because Scotland is eight percent of the United Kingdom’s population, it holds 106.3 billion euros of goods and services. The euro is the single currency that all 28 members of the European Union use and follow common laws that guarantee freedom of movement for people, goods, and services.The euro made Europe free to do business across the economic bloc and gives unrestricted access to 500 million consumers, so they have a solid basis to stay competitive in the world economy. The euro unified the countries of the European Union. Scotland’s failed attempt at  secession is a counterexample of a group that wanted to break away from the Union.Scotland is a democratic country and is a representative democracy. If it stayed a part of the United Kingdom, the European Union would’ve accepted it as its 29th member The European Union promotes human rights both for itself and around the world.  Human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights are the core values of the European Union.
 To promote equality, the European Union follows a set of rules called Guidelines, addresses discrimination as well as violence against women.
 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women works with the European Union to promote women’s rights and eliminates all forms of violence against women.
The United Nations Security Council resolution 1325 stresses the importance of equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security.

Sub-Saharan Africa Politics and Government

By: Juan Jimenez

      The people of Sub-Saharan Africa have suffered through a plethora of different issues where it is through civil war, poor living conditions, poor infrastructure, and disease. These are all issues that can be attributed toward the leaders of their respective countries in this region. These weak leaders were put in power from the age of decolonization where the ancestors of the countries that make up today’s modern day U.N have carelessly appointed leaders during the time of the decolonization.  The region has suffered from decisive leadership. Rival tribes and militias, civil war being a constant factor within this region since even before the 21st century. Diseases such as AIDS being a death sentence in this region, where as people in developed countries can live full lives with these issues.  Debts racking up to be sky-high world record breaking numbers, in these countries, and what has the government done? Little to nothing, this money that the government is receiving from other countries is going no-where except for the pockets of the government employees in self-evaluated raises, and this shows that the government cares more about maintaining power and their self-satisfaction then the well being of their own people. This region is in a desperate cry for help, and with NGO’s doing all they can, this is unfortunately not enough. The issue does not recede with only one conflict, but with many conflicts. There is hope within this region with countries such as Nigeria having a 90% literacy rate, these people have the potential to live well lives and it is the duty of the U.N to help these people.