Sunday, October 12, 2014

Children in North America

 by Anne-Marie Mangal

Right here in North America, believe it or not, children are fighting for their lives! They are fighting with things such as: abuse, troubled homes, and obesity.
    The first problem is abuse. Countries such as Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador are those countries where abuse is an everyday thing that children endure. In these countries children are subject to environments filled with violence, drugs, trafficking, and gang activity. This negative environment then leads them to feel forced to migrate-at their own risk-across the U.S. Mexican Border. This brings us to problem 2.
    The influx of unaccompanied children at the border has been increasing rapidly over the years. In 2013 alone, around 40,000 children were caught trying to cross the border illegally. In 2014 the numbers have increased to over 52,000 children who are trying to run from the daunting miasma they live in.
    Now on top of that, in North America, children are facing the spreading disease of Obesity. Statistics show that 23 million kids and teens are either overweight or obese, as the U.S. is ranked at #18 with an obesity rate of 33% on the big charts. This alarming health issue brings forth problems such as health care costs going up and the success rate of a child’s future going down.
    However there are good Samaritans in the world like the United Nations and NGO’s. Unicef for one has partnered with the UN to fix the issue of abuse and the border saturation. Campaigns like “Let’s Move” and the National Child Measurement Program are working to help reduce obesity. Even the Canadian Health Care System is looked at heavily as a potential resolution to the spreading issue of obesity.
    In a nut shell, especially in North America, it is our duty as a nation to help our children that are caught in the hands of these adversities. So that one day they can instead experience a wonderful, worth wild, and fulfilling life.

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