Sunday, October 19, 2014

Women in North America

By: Navneet Kaur 

    North America has been run by a democratic government for over 200 years and has done very well for the region considering, politically and financially, the U.S is one of the strongest countries in the world.  Equality is a problem the world faces with every growing day, a problem we still have in 2014 as embarrassing it is to say. The United States is presented as such a grandiose state, an idol for all others, but how greatly blinded people are. There was a time where the world started moving fast and beautifully, but sadly that has halted. Women have not yet acquired equal pay and for what reason? The attempt to create the right had failed to pass once again by the men ruling this world no less. These are no longer the times where women are dependent on men, these are the times where they move forward just as the world once did. If the nation looked passed color once, can they not look past gender? In addition, the NYC police department has gone too far for the last time, this has happened far too many times, stop and frisk violates basic human privacy, and even though people are unarmed, they are being gunned to death by the very people meant to protect the citizens of the United States. Woman and people of color are considered minorities in a world that is completely and rightfully theirs just as a while Male's.

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