Monday, October 27, 2014

Women in Middle East & North Africa.

Inline image 2By: Shanisha Sookdeo

       For generations, women have fought for equality and a voice in government. Currently women in The Middle East and North African countries are faced with the same situation they are being raped arrested for driving and unable to gain a proper job or education. Girls without an education are forced into marriage as young as the age of 15. They are also forced to marry their rapist. Why should they save the one who committed the crime just to save them from imprisonment? In attempt of protesting women are arrested and are forced to take “virginity test”. If failed, they are beaten and electrocuted. How can women who were a victim of rape pass a virginity test? It’s as if she is becoming a scapegoat. In countries such as Saudi Arabia, women are undermining authorities and driving in support of the Women2Drive campaign of which they drive on October 26. They use the media to post videos of their arresting.
            Not all life for MENA women is bad. In the past 20 years employment rate has gone up in Morocco Tunisia, and Algeria (Tunisia 19-26%, Algeria 11-20%, Morocco 24-27%). I would say Israel is the role model to other countries. Women make up 4% of soldiers, 57% officers and 92% of the positions in the Israel Defense Forces are solely for female soldiers (Snider). Women’s opinions are also taken accounted for in the Knesset (Legislative Branch), the highest record of women serving in the legislative simultaneously is around 27 (22.5% of entire government). Today over 50% of all scientist in Israel are women. If women in other MENA countries follow the example of Israel then they too will gain the independence they want.

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